Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A lil Exercise of free-write

I usually have some motivating force for my blogs. Like what I am feeling at the time or what is going on in the world. For one, I am not having much of a feeling for anything at this point in time. I'm not depressed nor happy. I'm pretty neutral at this point in time. Plus I always get shit from these fools saying, "Wah, why you say what you feel? You are suppose to be harder than that." Often these people are alone and more insecure with their lives than I am.

Also I don't really feel like talking about what's going on in the world because:

a) I am not a political blogger so there ain't no need for me to talk about an oil spill or anything like that.

b) I don't think anyone's much interested in me talking about soccer all the time. I know a wee little bit but I doubt that many people want to hear my views

(Although, it is laughable that I have many people read my blog anyways)

So I continue to tread through this wave of life. There could be potential avenues that I could explore but then again I have to motivate myself to do the things that I want to do. I can do that though. I like the feeling of setting my mind on something and actually getting it done. It is probably one of the most satisfying things ever.

When I say that I want to make it through life, I am not saying that I want to just scrap through with the bare minimum. I say it because I want to enjoy life with the people that I love whether they are far or away. I've read about those who are the most successful (money-wise) and they aren't happy at all leading them to commit suicide or other random depressing acts. I'd rather not be in that category. You see I have a pretty good group of friends around me. So I shouldn't worry about that aspect of my life now just being happy about what I am doing, that is what I should accomplish with the remaining part of my time here.

I always complain about why I don't have more friends but I'm beginning to slowly realize that I don't need more. I want those people that I'd rather get to know better to hear me all and when it doesn't happen I often get irritated and think about what I've done wrong. However some people don't want to have anything to do with it. They have their group and they'll be stubborn in their ways and I should respect their feelings and actions. I'll get down the art of ignoring those that want to be ignored and I'll take the hint sooner or later.

So whenever my time is up on this world, whether it is 50 to 75 years from nor or it is tomorrow. I am going to keep the smile on my face, enjoy the company of friends and family, and I'm going to live one day at a time...

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