Thursday, January 6, 2011


It is something about myself that I need to start getting over. I hate being rejected. It is a difference than just losing as in I can handle losing if me or my team didn't play well enough to win but just being rejected by people is a pet peeve that I can't get over.

For example, when I am trying to talk to somebody or dance with someone. They immediately dash off to the "bathroom" and hang out with a douchebag that they will eventually call a jerk later on. It pisses me off like none other. It makes me think: what exactly did I do wrong? What do I need to do differently? Do I need to bother? All those questions come to mind when I think about these things.

Also, when I get rejected I rarely get back up on the saddle and try again with somebody else. I kind of shut down and just sit or stand by myself. I know that needs to stop but it is kind of difficult especially when you feel inadequate. So I kinda stew in my rejection for a little while until later on I'm kicking a burrito into a bush.

I don't know what I can do about it. Counseling? Nah I'm not doing that. Lowering my standards? That definitely isn't happening. Maybe I just need to get over myself. I told myself that one of my resolutions would be not to get angry sometimes when I hang out. So maybe I shouldn't get angry when I get rejected. It happens to everybody.

Even Kobe gets rejected from time to time....

(With him, it is basketball though. I don't want to get it twisted)

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