Monday, January 12, 2009

No Plans on Going Back..

So at UNC, school starts tomorrow (Monday) and I will take my normal position.......That will be in my bed in Greenville probably either watching Mike and Mike or more than likely going back to bed. As of now I am currently waiting on my underload request to be brought back to me in which I will make a decision after that. Then my lease will run out in February and my parents don't really plan on making me have an apartment here in Chapel Hill again because I will be living by myself and that is much more expensive then living with other people.

Now I don't know what I am going to be doing for the next couple months. Living in Greenville? It isn't too terrible. I've gotten use to the routine of eating, sleeping, and working out. So yeah that keeps me motivated to do something. (Don't really want to talk to the human interaction issues because it's repetitive). I feel like I need a job however if I decide to get a job around here I feel like that will be the moment where I'm sent somewhere else and it would be real dick for me to go in to a place after a week and tell them that I'm going somewhere else. I might just go to Circuit City tomorrow and fill out an application. It won't hurt right? The store might close in a week anyways right? Since it filed for bankruptcy a while back hahaha. It will be something to do during the days in which I just sleep. So that is at least the plan for tomorrow. Other than that I've been doing odd jobs for my dad, he has been helping run this retirement home, it isn't huge or anything just for people who couldn't afford the real big ones. It isn't bad, he knows my schedule and if I do have to leave he'll understand.

I thought about answering the question: Am I going to miss Chapel Hill? And the answer is....I don't know. I have relatively few friends left and it will basically be like what I do at home. So I might as well take advantage of the free food and housing while I can right?

I might be back for a day or two every so often unless I go somewhere that there's no way for me to come back nor will I be making those trips back if I am not travelling for a road trip(talking about soccer). I'll just stay at the place where I am at and explore a little bit. No use wasting all that gas on five to six hour trips. As you can tell I am on a save money tip right about now. I've been avoiding going out often and trying to avoid the fast food or late night food I eat. At the end of the day it turns out to be a waste of time, I can either watch tv or random ass people on tv instead of going out and I can search around my house and eat the food there instead of going to late night wendys.

So here's my goodbye to Chapel Hill as a residence for me. I've lived there for about four years of my life. Some good and some horrible times, but they have all shaped me to the person that I am so I can at least thank you for that. Now it's time for me to go on an adventure. Even if that adventure takes me to Raleigh......uh yeah, that's what I want, 20 miles away. But it might just happen.

"He's dumb as hell. I'm dumb too, you knew that though, yeah? bc i did send out a press release, i ate a bunch of them, i'm dumb, dumb."

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