I don't plan on looking out the window and wishing for snow because I know everytime I do such a thing there ends up being absolutely no snow and then the weatherman goes up to his blue (or green) screen and say like they always say, "My bad, we kind of miscalculated that one." Public School systems cancelling classes for the day, the snow hasn't even started yet. I know why you cancelled them it is because teachers don't want to deal with those bad ass kids (I know the game). The reason why college classes don't get canceled a lot is because we have more manners and the simple fact is if it is snowing, we aren't going to class unless attendance is mandatory but even though you know some people will skip out on it.
I'm not going to lie I hope it snows, maybe people won't show up to this inauguration party that my parents and their friends are having. I have to make an appearance and dress nice. Not come out with my red hoodie, some pajama pants and the latin kings Atlanta Braves cap that I have. I didn't know that there was a gang that had that crown symbol. My bad to those out there who might be in that gang. I will never wear it out in public (more because I don't want my ass beaten). Back to the point, I don't feel like going out there and seeing people I do not know and listening to people gossip about their children and then you know your parents got to come back with it, embarrassing you in the process. My mom says that I have to at least show myself for a little while. You right that is my plan, I'm going to get some food and then I'm going to bounce upstairs and play fifa for the rest of the time. I'll watch the thing in my room. Let me say this, I know this is history and I should be and actually proud of what is going on. However this whole process really does bore me, I can't be hypocritical and say that I'm going to watch the whole thing from when CNN puts a whole bunch of projections and holograms of Will.I.Am on there to the oath of office. I'll watch the oath of office and maybe listen to a little of his speech because I only have a 15 minute attention span when it comes to speeches and lectures, I have to take five minute breaks in between them.
So the sky possibly skeeting on people here, inauguration, and the only thing I look forward to tomorrow (tuesday) fifa....I was going to say it's going to be an interesting day but for some reason I don't think it will be.
I know people in the northeast and in the mountains are like psht the sky skeets on us almost everyday.
"ain't my girl eloquent and she got more junk in her trunk like an elephant."
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