Thursday, February 26, 2009

I run for fun..Really?

Is it a bad thing that I am beginning to enjoy running now. I've been running either on a treadmill or outside (depending on the weather) everyday during the last couple of weeks. Normally when I think about running I try to find ways to talk myself out of it. Then I regret not doing it when it's too dark and I don't want to go to the treadmill. After my constant procrasination about it I end up feeling bloated and a waste of space for the rest of the day. So I started pushing myself to get off my couch, take the twinkie out my mouth, and go get a workout in everyday. Most definitely it was hard at first to get it done and I have a good reason to do it because I need to be fit for playing soccer and possibly running up and down the sideline playing outside back (getting my inner Patrice Evra on) or just being fit to run up and down whenever I please as it is. So at first it was mostly about that and nothing else, but now I automatically get up get some running clothes and run for 30-45 minutes and get on the iron gym for another 30 minutes to finish my workout and it has been helping slowly and surely. The last time I was on the pitch playing I didn't really feel tired at all and I coule have easily played another 30 minutes. The fun of going out with the ipod on and just jamming to the music while I put mileage on my feet and thinking about ish and actually motivating myself to push more than what I would do normally. So yeah nowadays I run for fun. Is there a problem with that?

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