Thursday, September 18, 2008

I can't even watch TV anymore

Okay F*ck it, I had this spill about how I wanted to talk about politics and how it affects our world (the American world) everyday and I tried to do some research and watch MSNBC, CNN, and yes even Fox News and I can only come up with one conclusion. Media in general is fucked up! Okay you bring in people to discuss the views that they have and the first thing that gets me is that everybody has a certain agenda to their spill of what they think is the truth and nobody even if the truth is right in their face claims any responsiblity. It's like if they murdered somebody and they were caught on tv red handed with nothing claiming self-defense or anything like that, they will still say that they aren't the blame. It's a problem and that's why people can never get along, everyone has this superiority complex that they think they are right and that's what they are sticking too. Another problem I have is most of the time these reporters and show host have agendas of their own and they believe that they are serving up "objective" facts but in all reality they are just as fake as the politicans or others that I see on this channel. All these stations are guilty of doing it. It isn't just one or the other, it isn't just liberal or conservative media. It's both of you.

I mean I try to go by a motto of I believe it when I see it, but now in today's world I just don't know because people love nowadays to edit the way people speak to make them look real foul on tv. I was watching a vlog of illdoctrine and it showed how CNN flipped the words of WWE wrestler John Cena to make them believe that he took steroids and WWE was able to leak out the true version of the tape. But what if people didn't have a company that would have their back if one of these media outlets say anything to them? What if they just flip the people's words around and their reputation is ruined because of a few words that was taken out of context. Now I kind of see why people use that term taken out of context because the media only will hear what they want to hear and not the truth most of the times. Just the next time you watch any type of news now of days and if they go through a voice over and not actually say the real question and then just flip to the "answer" right away be careful before you judge that person because he might have just got punked.

The vlog that I was talking about:

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